A2F First Mother's Day


Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.

themeaningofmama title

What a different Mother’s Day it is for me this year. 

Growing up, Mother’s Day was always such a special holiday for my family.  My siblings and I used to wake up early while our parents were still asleep and attempt to make breakfast in bed for my mom.  There used to be an overwhelming feeling of making sure it was just right, and once we would show up at the door she would wake up and thank us for such a kind gesture.  The funny part about this story is that if you knew my mom personally, you’d probably know that 1. she’s not a big eater and 2. she does not eat anything for breakfast before her coffee… and she most certainly does not eat ANYTHING in bed. 

Today, on this Mother’s Day, I am a mother. As I reflect back on those mornings with my mom and siblings, I realize that those mornings are what a mom is. A person we lean on our entire lives, to guide us when we need a little help.  Someone who truly loves you unconditionally, even when you bring them their least favorite thing ever– food in a bed.  

While I’ve grown up knowing these things, today it means something just a little different and that is because I am that person for someone else. 

To know that I’ve woken up today and suddenly I play a different role in life, for the first time in my entire life. I am my mom to my daughter. 

There’s an overwhelming feeling that has come over me. My mom was always my rock when I was young. I hit my teenage years and of course that was a rough stage for me. I grew up, went to college, went to graduate school, and my parents always played a constant in my life.  As I got married, the relationship with my mother shifted– and all of a sudden I started needing her more and more, just like a I did when I was young. Isn’t that amazing how life works? You are so dependent on someone your entire life, you go through a brief period where you feel like you don’t need them as much, just to realize that in the end you need them more than you ever did before.

Sometimes I feel like I’m still a kid. And now I am my mother to someone else.  I hope that she looks at me one day the way I look at my mom and I hope that I am able to be half the mother that my mom is.

It’s overwhelming, but it’s so rewarding. It’s scary, but beautiful at the same time.

To my mom, I love you so incredibly much. To my beautiful baby girl, I just absolutely love being your mama.

And to all of the other moms out there reading this, happy Mother’s Day.

Without you, there would be no us.
